Sen4ngos Timebank System is an application that creates an exchange system (minutes, hours, tokens, any currency) for all users.

User view: By entering to the profile of any user you can see the list of exchanges of that user. The status of transfers, rating and comments of each exchange. All users can rate and review the product or services. (Kind of eBay). If you enter to your user profile, you can create new transfers, accept or reject transfers, comment and rate transfers.



  • Once installed the plugin you can activate from your widget panel the sidebar called “Timebank -> Options”.
  • You have to create a page for the Timebank system adding this line of code in the content: [timebank_exchange]
  • COPY the absolute url of your timebank page that you just created and go to “Admin -> timebank -> Configuration”, and PASTE it on the first line “Absolute URL to your Timebank Page Path”. Example:


  • Transparency: All users can see historical purchases and sales of any other user.
  • Security: user system security (user + encrypted password session)
  • All exchange’s has positive / negative evaluations and comments of the buyer.
  • The administrators can see all the exchange from admin zone and can block users.
  • The administrators can manage exchange’s of other users (and their changes will remain reflected)
  • Limits of positive balance (for leverage) and negative (credit) configurable for every user.
  • Based on the functioning of credit cards but applied to mobile devices and computers.
  • Sidebar with information of user, statistics, etc.
  • 100% BuddyPress compatible
  • Automatic mailing system when exchanges are created, accepted, rejected. 

The purpose of this timebank is to achieve an alternative and reliable exchange without money, but with time. We suppose that the admins of the timebank will never win time (or money).

But, if the admins want to win time because of their tasks, they can create a “manager” user for the timebank. This user have exactly the same characteristics as the other users.

Actually, we do not consider to apply certain percentage to exchanges that could receive the “manager” user. (As normal banks does on money transactions)

It is not possible for an administrator to alter the balance of any user. Therefore, the administrator can manage transactions but never modify the amounts.

Back End

The administrators have access to:

  • General timebank configuration, running transfers, transfer status, comments, etc.
  • They can change the status of the transactions (accept, comment, cancel). They will remain identified so the implied users know it.
  • The administrators can edit the parameters of every user but never modify his balance sheet (salary).
  • The user creation has to be done in the system.

Admins can search, view and edit all exchanges: Seller, buyer, date creation, concept, amount, status, buyer rating, buyer comment.

Admins can create new exchanges.

Admins can search, view, edit each user: Credit limit, leverage limit, status, total buys, total sells. For security reasons admins cannot modify the user balance

Admis can define the currency name: For example: Minutes, hours, tokens, $, €…