We do not charge any amount for crowd sourcing. The beneficiary is requested to send us the following details to avail of our services

1. You will need to send us a write-up along the lines of https://sen4ngos.org/rajeev-prabhu/ . This will include your account details, photo, etc.
2. This is a completely free service. No one from our end will charge you any amount.
3. The amounts will come directly to your account or your hospital account in your favor. It is very important to be transparent about the receipts.
4. Any amounts received should be informed promptly to us on this email. This is to acknowledge donation and encourage more people to donate.
5. Amounts received thus far can be sent as mentioned in link above.
6. It is very important to articulate your financial need clearly. Once you send draft, we will work with you to fine tune.
7. The donations will be made by interested members from the public. You are free to circulate the link to your contacts.
8. Share complete address of the patient/ person in charge for the patient, contact number. Someone from our team/ on our behalf will visit the patient and do a validation check.

We understand the pain and struggle you are going through and will do our best within our limited abilities to support. We are not medical experts and it is our policy to articulate the write-up directly from the patient or guardian.